If you've handled the First Three Steps of the MGB Investing Starter Kit process, let me introduce to you the first tool: Having a Money Journal.
Get a new notebook and write "Money Journal" and the date on the first page. This is a place to explore all your thoughts and beliefs around investing and money, and to celebrate your wins. It's a great step for increasing your inner awareness and clearing away any mental blocks you may have around investing.
Will you try getting a money journal? if you do, here's are a couple of questions you can write down to ask yourself.
"What is my relationship with money?"
"What do I want my relationship with money to be?"
More questions next week!
Until then, as always, thanks for reading this!
Quick Links:
Step 1 in increasing your financial fluency is HERE.
Step 2 is HERE.
Step 3 is HERE.
What is Money? is HERE
What is Investing? is HERE
What is The Investing Starter Kit? is HERE
Sign up for the next MGB Investing Starter Kit Workshop for $97.79 by clicking HERE!