Learning how to use Google sheets/Excel/Numbers or any spreadsheet software is a great step in anyone’s financial fluency journey. It gives you a blank page to map your financial fluency process with actual numbers.
But what is Google Sheets? It’s a free spreadsheet software that is cloud-based, so it lives online.
What is spreadsheet software?
Spreadsheet software is a very useful way to organize information, especially numbers, by arranging them by columns and rows, and there are math and other sorting functions you can use to rearrange the data.
Keeping track of our expenses, and keeping track of our investments, is an essential way to be financially fluent, so getting familiar with how to use a spreadsheet as a way of organizing information, will definitely benefit you in the long run.
In order to use Google Sheets, you’ll need a (free) gmail account, though.
Here is a decent tutorial on getting started with Google Sheets:
We provide a free expense tracker below, that uses Google sheets, so once you learn how to use it, give that tracker a try.

I highly recommend just getting started and playing around with Google sheets. It’s free! There are a number of fun templates you can experiment with—household budget, sure, but also a calendar, to do list, travel planner, and a lot more. Take a look and have fun with it. Be bad at it. Just get started and pat yourself on the back for even trying out the app.
Have you used Google Sheets? Or Excel? Numbers? If not, are you willing to try something new? Let us know in the comments! And as always, thanks for reading this.
Quick Links:
Step 1 in the MGB Investing Starter Kit process is HERE
Step 2 is HERE --Keep a Digit Tally, like You Need A Budget or RocketMoney or our free tracker HERE
Step 3 is HERE
What is Investing? is HERE
What is The MGB Investing Starter Kit? is HERE
To buy our new self-paced investing course for $49, sign up by clicking HERE.