A time-honored way to do ANYTHING, mentorship is receiving guidance, advice, support from those who are farther along on the journey than us.
When I started my career in acting, a brilliant woman named Dr. Barbara Ann Teer took me under her wing and cast me as Dorothy Dandridge in a one-woman show at her storied company, the National Black Theatre, based in Harlem. I learned so much from being connected with this woman, and her children, Michael and Sade are doing so much to continue her legacy.
In addition to being a pioneer in the arts, the Late Great Dr. Barbara Ann Teer invested in Harlem real estate. The corner of 125th and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan is being rebuilt right now, and I look forward to seeing the results. Her legacy lives on! That is the power of multigenerational wealth building.
Side note: Learning about real estate investing is tool 11, so you’ll hear more about that in November.

Image: Courtesy of the National Black Theatre.
Now that I have changed careers and I’m an investment advisor representative, I need mentorship in the financial field, and I HAVE IT. Our company has two incredible women who meet with us regularly to hear how we are doing and give us their perspective. It’s invaluable. Priceless. Thank you, DN and NJ!
When it comes to money and investing, it’s so helpful to have mentorship. It’s very hard to make these changes on our own.
In my research, I have seen that the people who do best with investing are those whose parents invested. It was modeled for them from an early age. That is the basis of how I created this company. I’m passing on things that I learned from my parents. Multigenerational transmission of financial knowledge.
But no parent is perfect, and we all need to identify the places where we didn’t get what we needed, and find ways to supplement our education. Mentorship is a GREAT way to do that.
So tool 5 in the MGB Investing Starter Kit Process is to find mentorship around money and investing. This blog can function as a mentor, certainly. That’s my goal, for the currently 100+ blog posts to be a digital mentorship to help anyone who wants it, to begin to change and improve their relationship with money and investing.
But finding an in-person mentor is incredibly powerful as well. How to do it?
Well, my suggestion is to take a look around your life and see who seems to be good with money. People generally don’t talk openly about it, but if you look hard, you can tell.
Once you identify that person, consider asking them out to coffee, or request a 15 minute phone call or zoom. Let them know you’d like to improve your investing life and you want to hear their thoughts. People are busy, so please be patient, as well as respectful of their time. But this practice will yield incredible results.
And if you’d like to meet me, stay tuned! We are planning a Juneteenth meetup near Bryant Park, before THIS group yoga class. Please register for that if you’re interested, and we will have more details on the meetup soon.
Do you have a mentor? Are you willing to find one? Have you set up a coffee date? Or even offered to take them out to lunch? Let me know in the comments! And as always, thanks for reading this!
Quick Links:
Step 1 in the MGB Investing Starter Kit process is HERE
Step 2 is HERE --Keep a Digit Tally, like You Need A Budget or RocketMoney or our free tracker HERE
Step 3 is HERE
What is Investing? is HERE
What is The MGB Investing Starter Kit? is HERE
To buy our new self-paced investing course for $49, sign up by clicking HERE.