You may have already heard of The Investing Starter Kit, but let me tell you about the other products we have available:
Before starting to invest, we need to be ready, and that requires some action. Take the workshop to learn what those steps are! You can sign up HERE.
The 401(k) program for Black-owned businesses.
For any company that doesn't have a retirement plan yet for owners and employees, this program will help you get started with preparing for the future.
If you know that your company needs to create a plan for you and your employees' retirement, you can SIGN UP NOW and join the line to set up a 401(k) program. The process takes about 6 months. If you were waiting for a sign to get it done, this is it! The link to sign up is HERE.
AND NEXT, we present our LOGO! Isn't it beautiful? It was created by the brilliant team at Studio DBC, led by Carlos Williams, and we couldn't be happier.
Thanks for reading this!